2020-4-5 Can't find your user library in macOS Mojave, High Sierra, or Sierra? You aren't alone! Learn how to unhide the User Library with macOS today. For that reason, Apple decided to hide your user’s Library folder by default in Mac OS X 10.7 and all later Mac OSX and macOS releases. 2020-1-11 Here’s how to enable the hidden Library folder on your Mac running macOS Sierra, OS X El Capitan or OS X Yosemite. Most users will prefer to only interact with parts of Apple’s Mac platform that the company has deemed important and needed enough to actually expose to each user. 2020-4-3 Step for find Downloaded iPSW file location on Mac High Sierra, MacOS sierra, EI Capitan or Windows. How to change IPSW File download location on Mac? No, it’s not possible to change IPSW File download default save path location in iTunes before start to download.
The Library Menu item is hidden by default on Macs, to prevent the possibility of inexperienced users deleting important files in the Library Folder. In this article, you will find different methods to reveal the hidden Library Menu and access the Library Folder on your Mac.
Access Library Folder On Mac
The Library Folder on your Mac contains Preference Files, Caches, and Application Support Data.
While regular Mac users may not find the need to access the Hidden Library Folder, advanced Mac users will at times come across the need to access files inside the Library Folder for troubleshooting and other purposes.
One example of the need to access the Library Folder on Mac would be to rebuild the Database Files in the Library Folder, in order to fix Launchpad related issues like Apps Missing From Launchpad or deleted Apps showing up in the Launchpad.
Before going ahead with the steps to Access the Hidden Library Folder on your Mac, you need to be aware that ~/Library Folder contains important Data and Files related to Mac User Accounts.
Hence, make sure that you are accessing the Library Folder for a good reason and you do know as to what you are trying to achieve.
Access Hidden Library Menu Option On Mac
Follow the steps below to access the Hidden Library Menu option on your Mac.
1. Left-click your mouse anywhere on the screen of your Mac. This will reveal the Go Option in the top menu bar of your Mac. You can also click on the Finder Icon in the Dock of your Mac to activate the Go Option.
2. Next, click on the Go option in the top menu-bar of your Mac.
3. While you are still on the Go option, press and hold the Option key on your Mac and then click on the Library option that appears when you press down the Option Key.
https://afimprotex.tistory.com/3. Import songs from CDs into iTunes on Mac. You can import songs from CDs into your iTunes library.Once you import songs, you can listen to them without having the original CD in the disc drive. Your library will transfer automatically to the new Apple Music app, Apple TV, and Apple Podcasts. And you’ll still have access to your favorite iTunes features, including your previous iTunes Store purchases, rentals, and imports and the ability to easily manage your library. There are a few ways to transfer your iTunes library from one computer to another. When you get a new Mac, use Setup Assistant (or Migration Assistant, if you’re switching from Windows) to move files—including your iTunes files—from your old computer to the new one. Import media from a computer to iTunes on Mac. If you have audio or video files on your computer, you can import them into iTunes so they appear in your iTunes library. Open iTunes for me. Jan 16, 2020 Go to the General tab and select iCloud Music Library to turn it on. If you don't subscribe to Apple Music or iTunes Match, you won’t see an option to turn on iCloud Music Library. If you have a large music library, it might take some time to upload.
Note: Press the Alt Key in case you are using a Windows keyboard with your Mac.
4. Clicking on the Library Menu option will take you straight to the Library Folder on your Mac.
Access Library Folder On Mac Using “Go to Folder” Option
Another way to access the Library Folder on your Mac is by using the Folder Option on your Mac.
1. Left-click your mouse anywhere on the screen of your Mac to reveal the Go Option in the top menu bar. You can also click on the Finder Icon in the Dock of your Mac to activate the Go option.
2. Next, click on the Go option from the top menu-bar on your Mac and then click on Go to Folder… option in the drop-down menu (See image below).
3. In the search window that appears, type ~/Library, and click on the Go button.
This will immediately take you to the Library Folder on your Mac.
Permanently Unhide the Library Menu Option On Mac
You can permanently unhide the Library Menu Option in the top-menu bar on your Mac by using the Terminal Command. The process is reversible and you can easily go back to the default hidden Library Menu Setting by using the Terminal command once again.
1. Click on the Finder icon in the dock of your Mac to activate the Go option in the top Menu bar of your Mac.
2. Next, click on the Go option in the top menu-bar and then click on the Utilities option in the drop-down menu.
To access your music from another computer via Home Sharing, open iTunes on that computer. Click on the drop-down menu at the top of the screen that lets you switch among your music, movies, TV. Or you could keep your music in a library on your computer and your movies in a library on an external storage device. Open iTunes for me. In the iTunes app on your Mac, choose iTunes Quit iTunes. Hold down the Option key while you open iTunes. How to share itunes library with another mac pro. 'Sharing the library' is something of a misnomer when it comes to manually keeping one iTunes Media folder synchronised between two different machines & two different iTunes instances. You can do it, but each copy of iTunes will want to be 'in charge' & they will not auto-synchronise at all. Dec 06, 2019 How to set up Home Sharing on your Mac. Choose Apple menu System Preferences. Click Sharing. Click Media Sharing. Select Home Sharing and sign in with your Apple ID. Use the same Apple ID for every computer or device on your Home Sharing network. Click Turn On Home Sharing. There are a few ways to transfer your iTunes library from one computer to another: When you get a new Mac, use Setup Assistant (or Migration Assistant. Connect computers (over a wireless network or with a cable) and copy your iTunes files. Use iPod or a portable drive to transfer iTunes.
3. On the Utilities window, open the Terminal App by clicking on it.

4. Next, type chflags nohidden ~/Library/ and Press the Enter key to submit your command for execution.
How To Find Library Folder Mac High Sierra Download
Once the command is executed, you will see the Library Option clearly visible and permanently unhidden in the top menu-bar of your Mac.
As mentioned above, you can always go back to the default hidden Library option on your Mac by executing a simple command in the Command Prompt Window.
1. To hide the Library option, type chflags hidden ~/Library/ in the Command prompt window (See image below)
2. After typing the Command, hit the Enter key on the Keyboard of your Mac to execute this Command.
Once the Command is executed, you will see the Library Menu option becoming hidden.
To install a new font manually in macOS Sierra, drag its icon into one of the two Fonts folders that you have access to. Why might you want to install them manually? If you install a font via the double-click-and-use-Font Book method, the font will be installed in your Home/Library/Fonts folder, and available only to you.
If you want other users to be able to access the new font, drag the font’s icon to the Fonts subfolder inside the Library folder, which is at the root level of your hard drive. This Fonts folder offers universal access. Or, if you usually want to install fonts for everyone, change the Default Install Location in Font Book Preferences (Font Book →Preferences or ⌘+, [comma]).
How To Find Library Folder Mac High Sierra Ca
The Fonts folder in the Library inside the System folder is reserved for macOS and can’t be modified easily. If you try to remove a font from it — or add one, for that matter — you first have to authenticate yourself as an administrator. Do yourself a favor and never remove fonts from /System/Library/Fonts. You can really screw up your Sierra operating system if you remove the wrong font, so don’t go messing with the fonts in folders unless you know what you’re doing.
Your best bet is to always use Font Book, which prevents you from doing anything bad to fonts.
One last thing: Try to refrain from installing more fonts than you’ll use. Having tons of fonts installed can slow down some apps and make Font menus long and unmanageable. Install only the fonts you need — your Mac will thank you for it.